There are many ways in which you can support our initiatives and help us respond to the most serious needs of the communities of the island of Pemba. For all projects, it is possible to make a bank transfer to the following coordinates:
Account held in the name of: Fondazione Il Mondo di Chicca
at Banca Prossima S.p.A.
IBAN: IT78 H030 6909 6061 0000 0181 316
Swift (for donations from abroad): BCITITMM
Tax deduction/detraction: We remind you to send an email with name, surname, tax code or VAT number, postal address of the donor to receive the donation receipt to be attached to the tax return.
Bonifico Bancario
Banca Intesa San Paolo S.P.A.
IBAN: IT78H0306909606100000181316
Per le donazioni dall’estero, cod. Swift: BCITITMM
Ricordati di mandarci una mail col tuo nome, cognome, codice fiscale o p.IVA, recapito postale: in tal modo possiamo inviarti la nostra ricevuta di erogazione liberale da allegare alla tua dichiarazione dei redditi.
Donate your 5×1000 to the Foundation Il Mondo di Chicca ETS. It’s really simple and it costs you nothing! In your tax return, sign the box dedicated to Third Sector Entities enrolled in RUNTS and enter our tax code: 95303780639. A signature is enough to help make Francesca’s dream come true: to reduce suffering and increase the well-being of women and children poorest in Pemba Island, Tanzania.
– It’s not an expense, it’s a RIGHT
– It can be allocated even without presenting the Income Tax Return
Copy code here
You can choose to remember the Foundation Il Mondo di Chicca ETS in your will. By leaving even a small part of your inheritance, you will be able to concretely contribute to guaranteeing our projects over the years. Children, mothers and families in need on the island of Pemba need all possible solidarity.
To make a testamentary bequest, write us an email. We will put you in touch with our expert who can guide you to the best choice for you.
A donation in memory of a loved one is an act of love to remember a lost person who was important to you, your friends, your family, and to show your international solidarity.
Contact us by email to indicate the name and surname of the deceased and a contact number to send an email or a letter to family members and communicate your gesture and your closeness.
For Christmas, Easter or other important occasions, choose our supportive gifts. Impress the recipient and give a smile to the women and children of the island of Pemba!
On all special occasions you can choose one of our supportive gifts. Testify your solidarity with friends, employees, colleagues, teachers. Your gesture will reach the heart of those who receive it!
Minimum donation 15 euros
Contact us to order your supportive gifts.
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Maecenas volutpat sed neque vitae tincidunt. In a ex non eros mollis
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fermentum libero.
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